Why subscribe?

This newsletter is equal doses personal anecdotes and (hopefully) insightful analyses of every day life. You’ll read about how I use products common to many of us such as social media, or productivity tools, or what I think about people who post too many pictures of cats. I connect as many of my own life experiences to all of these analyses.

My goal is to connect with and make you laugh or think in-depth about something you do or use every day.

What’s your format and schedule?

I try to send a newsletter with 1-3 stories each week. Sometimes I’m on my game and sometimes I’m quite further behind.

Can you give me some examples of your topics?

Below are a few of my favorites that have been well-received by my small but attentive subscriber base.

  • Discussed a new entrant to the friend-making business called Greet. I shared my first experience with the service. My story should connect with anyone who has attempted to make a platonic friend in New York City while anxiously chomping on their own fingers.

  • Highlighted the absurdity that defines Venmo’s public transaction feed. Millions either don’t realize their lives aren’t private, or don’t care. Facebook’s scandals suggest people don’t pay attention to their own privacy leaks.

  • Introduced VSCO in context to its relevance in my daily life, and importantly, in the lives of folks who’ve spent most of their lives using social media apps.

Can I forward this email to others?

Send the newsletter to as many folks as you want. There are no restrictions whatsoever. I encourage organic growth!

Subscribe to The Teardown

Candid and personal analyses about how our daily lives evolve as technology disrupts, benefits, and changes our surrounding environments.


NYC 'Burb girl dad, technology fanatic, car afficianado, and writer of things about society, culture, tech, and health. See Twitter (below), but also: https://www.threads.net/@groovedrm